I am told that the are enough confirmed booking to make the trip viable. If you want to come, you had better book up quickly.
This month is ten years since I created my website. Happy birthday to me :-)
I will be leading this tour next year. This will cover the major events in central Spain between 1809 and 1812.
Please have a look at the trip and consider if you would like to join us. www.theculturalexperience.com/tours/wellington-in-spain-battlefield-tour/?sid=17a6d6e273faea2e7a4e7dd2afd9973b Saturday 2 November saw me at the Helion, Siege warfare in the Long 18Century conference in Derby. There were eight speakers including myself. Papers covered event through Europe and North America. I was talking on the planning for the third siege of Badajoz in early 1812. The plan is for me to edit the papers and turn into a book which will be published by Helion in Spring 2026.
Just given a paper on the siege of San Sebastián in 1813 at the NRWGC conference in York and now busy on the next talks.
17 September - The fourth Lines of Torres Vedras; Friends of the Lines of Torres Vedras 18 October - Telegraphs in the Peninsular War; British Historical Society of Portugal. 2 November - We Need Guns? preparing for the Third siege of Badajoz, 1812; Helion Siege Warfare conference 4 December - The logistics of a 19C siege; Fortress Study Group 4-6 April - Wellington's Greatest Victory; Wellington Congress, I must get my head out of sieges :-) I have been at this conference from 5-7 September 2024 at York, St John's University. This was a fantastic event organised by the Napoleonic and Revolutionary War Graves Commission https://www.nrwgc.com/ There were 55 speakers from across the world over the three days. I spoke on the Siege of San Sebastián in 1813, the subject of my next book, co-authored with Dra Silvia Gregorio Sainz.
I am grateful to Chris Parkinson of Redcoat History for the opportunity for taking my talk on the 'British cavalry and their leaders during the Peninsular War' online. This is a version of the talk I did for the Waterloo Association at the Royal Armouries, Leeds on 9 September 2023.
I believe this talk will be available to watch online in the future. A new book on Albuera by historian Guy Dempsey is due to be published in May 2023. Albuera Eyewitness tells the story of the battle using accounts of people who were there. This will be a welcome addition to his previous book on the battle, Albuera 1811, which is probably the best book on the battle. Press release below ![]()
TALK PROGRAMME - The 2022-23 programme of online talks for The Friends of the Lines of Torres Vedras has now been arranged. All the talks are online apart from November 2022 which is the Annual General Meeting and will be held in London. Detail of the talks are included below. Please register with [email protected] if you wish to attend any of the the talks
On 22 July 2022 I will speaking on 'The Logistics of a 19th Century siege - Ciudad Rodrigo 1812. The online talk is for the Society of Army Historical Research. Further details including registration are available from the SAHR website at LINK
AuthorMilitary historian and author specialising in the Peninsular War 1808-14 Archives
November 2024
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