- Wellington and the Lines of Torres Vedras. Helion
- Wellington Favourite Engineer. The Napoleonic Services of John Burgoyne RE. Helion.
- Wellington's Engineers. Military Engineering in the Peninsular War 1808-1814. Available from Pen & Sword.
- The Peninsular War Diary of Edmund Mulcaster RE, 1808-1810 Available from Amazon (book & kindle).
- Reminiscences of my Military Life by Charles Steevens. 2015. Available from Amazon
- The Spanish Report on the battle of Albuera by Burriel. 2015. Available from Amazon.
- The Rise of the Scientific Soldier, PhD Thesis, Sunderland, 2009.
- Albuera -The Fatal Hill, The Allied campaign in Southern Spain in 1811 (Albuera). Available from Amazon.
- The Peninsular War Services of General Sir George Allen Madden. Available from Amazon.
- Narrative of the Campaign in Holland in 1814: with details of the attack on Bergen-op-Zoom (reprint of JW Moodie account).
- D'Urban's Report Of The Operations Of The Right Wing Of The Allied Army Under Field-Marshal Sir Wm. Carr Beresford: In The Alemtejo And Estremadura During The Campaign Of 1811. Written by Benjamin D'Urban.
- The British Cavalry in the Peninsular War. Available from Amazon.
- The Peninsular War Letters of Lancelot Machell RE 1809-13. Published 2017 and available from Amazon.